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LMC – Large Magellanic Cloud

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Thanks to the precious collaboration with SkyGemObservatories, we were able to acquire our first signal from the Southern Hemisphere.

The displayed image is the result of 22 exposures taken with a Samyang 135 photographic lens, mounted on an Ioptron HEM27EC mount and ZWO Asi2400MC camera.

Exposure Info:

Optolong Luminance 2″: 12×180″ (36') -10°C bin 1×1

Antlia ALP-T 2″: 10×180″ (30') -10°C bin 1×1

Total Exposure: 1h 6′

Observation Info:

AR: 05h 23m 33.4s

DEC: -69° 47′ 16″

Distance: 157000 ly

Apparent Magnitude: 0.9

Constellation: Dorado

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